"It is very possible that PATERNAL AGE is the major predictor of(non-familial) autism." Harry Fisch, M.D., author "The Male Biological Clock". Sperm DNA mutates and autism, schizophrenia bipolar etc. results. What is the connection with autoimmune disorders? Having Type 1 diabetes, SLE,etc. in the family, also if mother had older father. NW Cryobank will not accept a sperm donor past 35th BD to minimize genetic abnormalities.VACCINATIONS also cause autism.

Friday, November 30, 2007

New Mutations From Fathers Also Cause Much Higher Risk of Alzheimer's in Offspring

Elderly persons with elderly fathers – do they face additional risks?
KAREN RITCHIE a1a1 French National Institute of Medical Research (INSERM), Research Unit U888 “Nervous System Pathologies,” La Colombière Hospital, Montpellier, France Email:
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Psychogeriatric research has explored many factors likely to influence our mental health in later life, but one which has received surprisingly little attention given the current interest in genetic determinants has been paternal age.

1998From: New Scientist People With Alzheimer's May Have Their Fathers To Thank
CHILDREN born to older fathers have a higher risk of eventually developing Alzheimer's disease, according to a new retrospective study.
Older mothers are more likely to give birth to babies with Down's syndrome, and people with Down's develop Alzheimer's disease earlier and more often than others. Intrigued by the association between these diseases, Lars Bertram of the Technical University of Munich and his colleagues wondered if parental age also plays a more direct role in Alzheimer's.
The researchers studied 206 patients with Alzheimer's disease. Susceptibility to the disease is associated with certain major genes, so their first step was to try to establish each person's inherited risk. To do this they found out the incidence of Alzheimer's in each patient's family.
Then they looked at the groups of patients at each extreme-comparing those least likely to have the disease genes with those most likely to have them-hoping to find an extra risk factor among the first group to explain why they had Alzheimer's.
Those patients who were least likely to have inherited a major disease gene had fathers who were significantly older than fathers of the second group and fathers of people of the same age who did not have Alzheimer's, the researchers report in the current issue of the journal Neurogenetics (vol 1, p 277).
Fathers of this low-probability group had been on average 35á7 years old when their child was born, whereas the fathers of patients who were most likely to have a major disease gene had only been 31á3 years old at the birth of their child.
As people age, researchers suspect, damage builds up in their DNA and gets passed on to the child. "There's an accumulation of environmental factors which somehow alter the genome of the father," says Bertram.
"Their finding is extremely interesting,"says Simon Lovestone, an Alzheimer's disease specialist at the Institute of Psychiatry in London.
Author: Alison Motluk
NEW SCIENTIST issue 19th September 1998


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Autoimmune Disorders Increase the Risk of Autism in Your Children!

: Pediatrics. 2003 Nov;112(5):e420.
Increased prevalence of familial autoimmunity in probands with pervasive developmental disorders.
Sweeten TL, Bowyer SL, Posey DJ, Halberstadt GM, McDougle CJ.
Department of Psychiatry, Indiana University School of Medicine, and James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children Indianapolis 46202-4800, USA.
OBJECTIVES: Increased prevalence of familial autoimmune disease is a common finding among probands with various autoimmune disorders. Autistic disorder (autism) is a highly genetic disorder with known immune and immunogenetic abnormalities. Previous research has found an increased frequency of autoimmune disorders in families with autistic probands. We further investigated this association by determining the frequency of autoimmune disorders in families that have probands with pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs), including autism, compared with 2 control groups. METHODS: Three well-defined study groups, including 1) families that have a child with a PDD, 2) families that have a child with an autoimmune disorder, and 3) families with a healthy control child, constituted the sample. A questionnaire inquiring about which first- and second-degree family members had received a diagnosis of having specific autoimmune disorders was completed by 101 families in each group. RESULTS: The frequency of autoimmune disorders was significantly higher in families of the PDD probands compared with families of both the autoimmune and healthy control probands. Autoimmunity was highest among the parents of PDD probands compared with parents of the healthy control subjects. Hypothyroidism/Hashimoto's thyroiditis and rheumatic fever were significantly more common in families with PDD probands than in the healthy control families. CONCLUSIONS: Autoimmunity was increased significantly in families with PDD compared with those of healthy and autoimmune control subjects. These preliminary findings warrant additional investigation into immune and autoimmune mechanisms in autism.
PMID: 14595086 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Monday, November 26, 2007

Someone else has picked this issue up

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Just So People Know..
A Man's Shelf Life: Best If Used By 35By Mark Teich for Psychology Today, October 2007Teich's Resource Persons:
James F. Crow, geneticist at University of Wisconsin in Madison
Harry Fisch, urologist and director of the Male Reproductive Center at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City and author of The Male Biological Clock
Ethylin Wang Jabs, professor of pediatric genetics at Johns Hopkins University and leader of a recent study showing the link between aging paternity and certain facial deformities in offspring.
Dolores Malaspina, chair of psychiatry at New York University Medical Center
Charles Muller, lab director of the Male Fertility Clinic at the University of Washington in Seattle
Barbara Willet, of the Best Start childhood resource center in Ontario, CanadaBy looking for perfection in your life before you conceive, there's a very real chance you'll have less perfect kids.Not only does male fertility decrease decade by decade, especially after age 35, but aging sperm can be a significant and sometimes the only cause of severe health and developmental problems in offspring.


Aging Males Contribute to Miscarriage Rate 35plus 3Xs the rate of younger than 24

It all fits together!
Aging Males Contribute to Miscarriage Rate

By Peggy Peck, Managing Editor, MedPage Today Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. August 04, 2006

NEW YORK, Aug. 4 -- Paternal age is a significant risk factor for miscarriage, according a case control study of almost 14,000 pregnancies. It showed that men start to go downhill after 35.
Action Points
Explain to interested patients that this study suggests paternal age is a risk factor for spontaneous abortion.Women with partners ages 35 or older had nearly a threefold increase in spontaneous abortions compared with women whose partners were younger than 25, wrote Karine Kleinhaus, M.D., M.P.H., of Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health, and colleagues, in the Aug. 1


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Autism Can Be From the Germ Line Mutations in the DNA of Sperm Cells of Older Men Sperm Progenitor Cells Divide Hundreds and Hundreds of Times

They won't publish the stats on the ages of the fathers in non-familial autism because the cause of autism would be very obvious.

There is a male biological clock, and it does effect the lives of many offspring.

Note to the "Second Wives Club"
Not only does male fertility decrease decade by decade, especially after age 35, but aging sperm can be a significant and sometimes the only cause of severe health and developmental problems in offspring, including autism, schizophrenia, and cancer.

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Vaccine Laws in California

Vaccine Law Changing in California
Planet Chiropractic News
Posted: Monday, August 13, 2007
Vaccine Law Changing in Californiapublic_health@10:11 am PST by Darrel Crain, Chiropractor
Big Vaccine (son of Big Pharma) has been busy in Sacramento helping lawmakers come up with a scheme to do away with the annoying problem of public opposition to new vaccine mandates. After all, if it weren't for pesky parental opposition during legislative review, the controversial HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine for young girls would already be on the long list of "mandatory" vaccines for California school children.
And controversial it is. As reported in the Miami Herald, in each state that has considered mandating the HPV vaccine, the debate has involved "some of the nation's most politically charged issues." These include teenage sex, parental control, state mandates and a "backlash against vaccines and a suspicion of drug companies."
The ingenious solution devised by vaccine enthusiasts to guarantee victory in Sacramento every time from here on out is to simply change the rules. The time-honored tradition in California of giving parents a chance to ask tough questions during the legislative review process for new vaccines may soon be overthrown.

Vaccine stories:


Sunday, November 18, 2007

The offspring and offspring of the offspring suffer from the Ticking of the Male Biological Clock

Harry Fisch said as far as the connection between older paternal age and devastating genetic disorders, where you look you find it! The main predictor for non-familial autism is PATERNAL AGE.
Dolores Malaspina has studied paternal age and genetic neurocognitive disorders extensively and does not state this lightly:
Though more research is needed, Malaspina says it’s possible that — just like women — the prime time for becoming a dad is one's 20s and early 30s.
“Men," she says, "your biological clocks are ticking, too.”

If you want healthy children and grandchildren plan to have children earlier in life rather than after your very early 30s.

Sperm donors are limited to men under 35 or under 30 in cryobanks that know about the gene DNA deterioration in older men.
Read on if you want to know more about the Male Biological Clock Advancing Paternal Age and Genetic Disorders

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Paternal Age and Genetic Disorders Has Been Hidden From the Public For Over 50 Years

Sure WiFi causes autism!!!!!!!

Passing this information to others person to person is the only way encourage earlier fathering of babies.

For instance this knowledge is available to scientists and doctors and yet the public mislead by Wigler's comments to the press and NATURE that it is the mother's old eggs; this flies in the face of 50 + years of research.

Welcome to Journal Watch. The content you requested requires sign in with a user name and password.
Is Autism Associated with Advanced Parental Age?
Yes — Advanced paternal (but not maternal) age increased the risk

We know that once women reach their mid-30s, their risk of having a child with a genetic abnormalities increases sharply. Now we know that the age of fathers can also contribute to that risk. In the most revealing study on this topic to date, Fisch and his colleagues evaluated more than 3,400 cases of Down syndrome. They found the father's age played a significant role when both parents were over 35 at the time of conception. The effect was most pronounced when the woman was over 40. In those cases, says Fisch, "We found the incidence of Down syndrome is related to sperm approximately 50% of the time." These findings appeared in the June 2003 issue of The Journal of Urology.
Children born to older men also run a higher risk of developing schizophrenia, a devastating mental disorder. In one study on the subject, researchers discovered that men between the ages of 45 to 49 were twice as likely to have children with schizophrenia as were men 25 and younger. That risk tripled for men over the age of 50. Investigators, reporting in a 2001 issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry, drew their results from a sample of more than 85,000 people.


J Pediatr. 1975 Older paternal age and fresh gene mutation: data on additional disorders.

Older paternal age and genetic disorders in offspring an old story that has been suppressed. Older is over 32 and up! 23-30 is the best age to father babies for their health.
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Click to change filter selection through MyNCBI.
1: J Pediatr. 1975 Jan;86(1):84-8.
Older paternal age and fresh gene mutation: data on additional disorders.
Jones KL, Smith DW, Harvey MA, Hall BD, Quan L.
Older paternal age has previously been documented as a factor in sporadic fresh mutational cases of several autosomal dominant disorders. In this collaborative study, an older mean paternal age has been documented in sporadic cases of at least five additional dominantly inheritable disorders; the basal cell nevus syndrome, the Waardenburg syndrome, the Crouzon syndrome, the oculo-dental-digital sysdrome, and the Treacher-Collins syndrome. It was also found to be a factor in acrodysostosis and progeria, suggesting a fresh mutant gene etiology for these two conditions in which virtually all cases have been sporadic and the mode of genetic etiology has been unknown.
PMID: 1110452 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Thursday, November 08, 2007

A major source of new mutations in humans is the male germ line. In sperm, mutation rates monotonically increase as the father's age at conception adv

CDC stats 2004

Average paternal age keeps going up and up and so do neurocognitive disorders - Autism, etc.
As in previous years, the trend for men having children later in life is continuing. The following figures are based on live births per 1,000 men. The number of births in the 35-39 age group increased from 60.2 to 61.7. Also increasing, but less dramatically, was for the 40-44 age group, which rose from 23.4 to 23.9. Baio's age group, 45-49, also saw a slight increase.Looking at the larger trend, going back 20 years, in 1984 there were 46 in the 35-39 age group and only 17.8 in the 40-44 group. (all of this is in table 21 of the report)The CDC lumps everyone over 55 in one age group. That has remained steady for more than ten years, at 0.3 births per 1,000

"The optimal time for a man to father a healthy child is the same as for a woman — 25 or so," says Dolores Malaspina, a psychiatry professor at New York University and coauthor of the study.

1: Eur Psychiatry. 2007 Jan;22(1):22-6. Epub 2006 Dec 4.
Paternal ages below or above 35 years old are associated with a different risk of schizophrenia in the offspring.
Wohl M, Gorwood P.
INSERM U675, 16 rue Henri Huchard 75018 Paris, France.
BACKGROUND: A link between older age of fatherhood and an increased risk of schizophrenia was detected in 1958. Since then, 10 studies attempted to replicate this result with different methods, on samples with different origins, using different age classes. Defining a cut-off at which the risk is significantly increased in the offspring could have an important impact on public health. METHODS: A meta-analysis (Meta Win) was performed, assessing the mean effect size for each age class, taking into account the difference in age class references, and the study design. RESULTS: An increased risk is detected when paternal age is below 20 (compared to 20-24), over 35 (compared to below 35), 39 (compared to less than 30), and 54 years old (compared to less than 25). Interestingly, 35 years appears nevertheless to be the lowest cut-off where the OR is always above 1, whatever the age class reference, and the smallest value where offspring of fathers below or above this age have a significantly different risk of schizophrenia. CONCLUSION: No threshold can be precisely defined, but convergent elements indicate ages below or above 35 years. Using homogeneous age ranges in future studies could help to clarify a precise threshold.

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