More Doctor's against the swine flu shot
More Doctor's against the swine flu shot
Jen Weigel on 10.15.09 | no comments |
I stumbled upon a video interview with a retired neurosurgeon named Dr. Russell Blaylock. He lists his concerns about an adjuvant in the swine flu vaccine called squalene, which has been shown to paralyze animals and cause brain malfunctions.
The interview is broken into four parts, but I think the second chunk is the most compelling, which is what I've pasted below. Be sure you listen at least to the seven minute mark, where he starts talking about the adjuvants in the vaccines.
If you have time to kill, you can watch all four parts. The interviewer - Dr. Mercola - really means well, but he takes about 3 minutes to ask his first question in the first interview section.
Overall- you will see that the main stream media is keeping a lot of key scientific facts under wraps. So do your part and pass this blog on to anyone who has a small infant they are thinking of vaccinating. They need to hear what this doctor has to say.
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