"It is very possible that PATERNAL AGE is the major predictor of(non-familial) autism." Harry Fisch, M.D., author "The Male Biological Clock". Sperm DNA mutates and autism, schizophrenia bipolar etc. results. What is the connection with autoimmune disorders? Having Type 1 diabetes, SLE,etc. in the family, also if mother had older father. NW Cryobank will not accept a sperm donor past 35th BD to minimize genetic abnormalities.VACCINATIONS also cause autism.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Million TIMES More Squalene In H1N1 Vax Than Caused GWI

Million TIMES More Squalene In H1N1 Vax Than Caused GWI !

Million TIMES More Squalene
In H1N1 Vax Than Caused GWI !! Exclusive
From Gary Jacobucci

Dr. Laibow's presentation on squalene during the second hour of your program last night, 8-24, was impressive. In looking for some verification of the 'million-times more squalene' than was in 'Vaccine A' that caused the catastrophic Gulf War I Illness (which ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of troops and killed thousands of others -ed), I came across this article...

What's The Danger of Swine Flu Vaccinations?
By Dr. Anders Bruun Laursen

"...So, as you see, there is no confusion with regard to swine flu and bird flu viruses. But there is another important consideration: the role of squalene.

The average quantity of squalene injected into the US soldiers abroad and at home in the anthrax vaccine during and after the Gulf War was 34.2 micrograms per billion micrograms of water. According to one study, this was the cause othe Gulf War syndrome in 25% of 697.000 US personnel at home and abroad. (3). You can find this table of FDA analyses from the Gulf War lots on The Military Vaccine Resource Directory website (4)

a.. AVA 020 - 11 ppb squalene (parts per billion)
b.. AVA 030 - 10 ppb squalene
c.. AVA 038 - 27 ppb squalene
d.. AVA 043 - 40 ppb squalene
e.. AVA 047 - 83 ppb squalene

These values were confirmed by Prof. R. F. Garry (5) before the House of Representatives. Prof Garry was the man to discover the connection between the Gulf War syndrome and squalene.

According to his findings, the Gulf War syndrome was caused by squalene, which was banned by a Federal Court Judge in 2004 from the Pentagons use. (6)

As seen on p. 6 of this EMEA document (7), the Pandremix vaccine contains 10,68 mg of squalene per 0,5 ml. This corresponds to 2.136.0000 microgrammes pr. billion microgrammes of water, i.e. one million times more squalene per dose than in (4). There is any reason to believe that this will make people sick to a much higher extent than in 1990/91. This appears murderous to me.";=14851

Then, in looking for some confirmation on Novartis putting gp 120 (an HIV/AIDS protein) in their vaccines, I found the following...

The Vaccine May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu
By Dr Russell Blaylock

"...Novartis, the second contender, also has an agreement with WHO for a pandemic vaccine. Novartis appears to



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