"Oil adjuvants are the most insidious chemical weapon ever devised"
says Pam Asa. "All sorts of factors like wind, rain, and even temperature,can affect
whether or not you can deliver a lethal dose of nerve agent against your enemy" she says. "None of these factors come into play with an oil adjuvant (MF59 ISO3) (squalene), that's because you stick'em right into somebody's veins."
Strictly speaking, it is not the injected oil that does the damage; it is the immune system's response to the oil Squalene is a kind of trigger for the real biological weapon: the immune system. When the immune system's full repetoire of cells and antibodies start attacking the tissues they are supposed to protect, the results can be catastrophic--...
"The real problem with using squalene, of course, is not that it mimics a molecule found in the body; it is the same molecule."
"When the NIH argued that squalene would be safe because it is native to the body, just the opposite was true." "
"Squalene's natural presence in the body made it one of the most dangerous molecules ever injected into man."
"By adding squalene to their new anthrax vaccine, they did not make a better vaccine; they made a biological weapon."
Page 243-244 Gary Matsumoto's "Vaccine . A
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