It would be better to father all babies in ones 20s to early 30s and avoid de novo autism
Every article on autism talks about early diagnosis and none talk about preventing autism, isn't that interesting?
A history of autoimmune disorders is a major risk factor, a history of autism type disorders is a major risk factor, an older father past 32 at conception is a major risk factor in some families, and older father when the mother was born is a risk factor, toxins, pharmaceuticals during pregnancy, vaccinations during pregnancy, etc. are risk factors. Why is it that there is a large history of research on genetic disorders that points to sperm DNA mutations in the precursor stem cells and sperm with age and toxins that is ignored. Who benefits from all this autism/schizophrenia(childhood, diabetes, Alzheimer's etc. Many, many professional do benefits. Follow the money. Read the all the research papers connected to this blog and ignore the rhetoric.
Labels: Early diagnosis of autism
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