How to prevent non-familial autism, diabetes, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, cancers, MS, etc.
In order to prevent autism one needs to pass the word to all teenagers and couples that there is a male biological clock. The mid 20s to 31 is the best age range to father babies. The media will not inform the public, the government will not inform the public (look at what the Surgeon General is allowed to say), the pharmaceutical research scientists and academic researchers won't inform the public, the psychiatrists won't inform the public, the genome institutes won't inform the public but the research is there and the evidence is overwhelming. It is not profitable to have healthy citizens.
The average age of fatherhood is increasing in the US and in Western Europe. Research shows that offspring of older fathers are at increased risk for diseases and conditions (Bray et al., 2006). Some experts predict an upswing in cases of schizophrenia will accompany the increasing average paternal age. “The actual percentage of cases with paternal germ line-derived schizophrenia in a given population will depend on the demographics of paternal childbearing age, among other factors. With an upswing in paternal age, these cases would be expected to become more prevalent” (Malaspina et al., 2006). Approximately 25-33% of all cases of schizophrenia may be due to the father’s age at conception, according to Malaspina (2006). Malaspina sees a connection between advancing paternal age and neural functioning difficulties in people with autism and with schizophrenia. According to Tarin et al. (1998), there are well over 30 known conditions that the offspring of older fathers are more at risk for genetic disease.
Labels: preventing Alzheimer's, preventing autism, preventing cancer, preventing diabetes, preventing fibromyalgia, preventing MS, preventing schizophrenia
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