"It is very possible that PATERNAL AGE is the major predictor of(non-familial) autism." Harry Fisch, M.D., author "The Male Biological Clock". Sperm DNA mutates and autism, schizophrenia bipolar etc. results. What is the connection with autoimmune disorders? Having Type 1 diabetes, SLE,etc. in the family, also if mother had older father. NW Cryobank will not accept a sperm donor past 35th BD to minimize genetic abnormalities.VACCINATIONS also cause autism.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Causes of Autism Are: Older Fathers in one Generation or Another and Autoimmune Disorders in The Family Plus Other Factors That Damage Sperm DNA

Mothers who have CMV virus or who have had older fathers can have autistic children.

Drinking more than 3 cups of coffee, smoking, many industrial solvents, chemical exposures chemotherapy, certainly any family history of autism or schizophrenia, autoimmune disorders are a precursor to having a child who is autistic. The public should know the risk factors.

One result of the gene copy number variations or deletions or duplications is a high prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms, inflammation, and dysfunction in children with autism.

As K. Horvath of the University of Maryland found: "Mild to moderate degrees of inflammation were found in both the upper and lower intestinal tract. In addition, decreased sulfation capacity of the liver, pathologic intestinal permeability, increased secretory response to intravenous secretin injection, and decreased digestive enzyme activities were reported in many children with autism. Treatment of digestive problems appears to have positive effects on autistic behavior. These new observations represent only a piece of the unsolved autism "puzzle" and should stimulate more research into the brain-gut connection.

The risk factors for autism are not mysterious and should become public knowledge. Study the risk factors and discuss them with friends and family to slow down the epidemic. One can prevent non-familial diabetes, autism, schizophrenia, cancers, Alzheimer's, autoimmune disorders, etc. by fathering babies by the age of 32 (30) in many cases.



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